Deficiency of video cards due to mining

Representatives of large stores of digital equipment recorded a very acute shortage of top-end video cards, there were frequent cases when one buyer ordered 200-300 at once, and some even 600 video cards. And it is because of this all, new productive cards have risen in price more than in two, for example in Russia the device which was estimated at the moment of start of sales in 15-20 thousand, now sell far beyond 30. But the excitement has affected not only Russia, in the States price The category on the cards was always one of the lowest, but as of May 2017, the cost of new video cards has grown by almost 27%.

Дефицит видеокарт из за майнинга

Especially popular is the new line of NVIDIA, namely GTX 1060, 1080, and 1070.
Since the end of April, the rate of bitcoin to the dollar has grown almost in record 200%. Those who wanted to buy a new productive card, at a tempting price, remain with nothing.